Safe Routes to School Programs Include:
Fun-filled classroom and outdoor activities that help students learn how to safely get to school, community activities, advising schools on improving their drop-off zones, and more.

The Latest
Transforming School Commutes: Join the Carpooling Movement!
Imagine your morning commute to school free from the chaos of honking cars and congested…
Salinas Sidewalk Art Project Fall 2023
Background The Salinas Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Art project is an opportunity for local…
Soledad Participatory Budgeting Election May 18-25!
Vote on your favorite safe routes to school projects! Help decide how to spend a…
Spring 2023 Move It Monterey County! Challenge
It’s time to MOVE IT Monterey County! Get outside and take at least trip…
Greenfield Participatory Budgeting Election December 1-15!
Vote on your favorite safe routes to school projects! Help decide how to spend a…
Crossing Guards are Heroes! Here’s How to Become One
Become a Crossing Guard and a Community Hero Today! Follow these steps to become a…
Walking School Bus Program Comes to the Monterey Peninsula!
Join the Walking School Bus! A walking school bus is an adult-supervised walking group to…
Safe Routes to School Activity Book
Check-out the new Safe Routes to School Activity Book! Print the activity pages at home…
Native Species Memory Game
Learn about the special plants and animals of Monterey County with this fun matching game…

Current Programs
Get Going
Bike Safe
A two-part classroom and streets program that teaches elementary school students basic bike skills
Learn MoreWalk Safe
Training for elementary and middle school students including safety instruction and walking field trips
Learn MorePark & Walk
Encourages parents and guardians to park a block or two away from the school and walk the rest of the way
Learn MoreFamilies Win
Families are spending more and more time and money ferrying children to and from school. Safe Routes to School helps families explore alternate methods to get students safely to and from school without the need to drive them door to door.
Benefits for Schools
Schools can improve their safety records. Research indicates that students who walk or bike to school have more positive moods, as well as improved concentration, focus, attention, academic achievement, cognitive mapping, and improved attendance.
Volunteer to Make Your Community Safer
Improving student health, safety, and wellbeing is a community effort. Step up and volunteer to help us at one of our community events.
Big Attainable Goals
The Monterey County Safe Routes to School Program is based on a nationwide effort to make getting to school healthier and safer. Across the country, SRTS programs share goals divided into six categories (the 6E’s).
Funded by Measure X
Measure X provides over $665k annually in support of Safe Routes to School.

Dive Deep
Dig into the details about the Safe Routes to Schools Program, our organization, and all of the fun things we’re doing to help kids lead healthier and safer lives—while by getting to and from school.
Learn More