About the Program
Across Monterey County, more of our kids are dropped off at their school’s front door than ever before. Unfortunately, most drop-off zones aren’t designed for that many cars. As a result, traffic backs up around the school and creates an unsafe environment for children. As kids leave or enter dangerous drop-off zones or dash across the street, they are vulnerable to being hit and injured by cars.
Operated by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County, the Program offers tools, programming, and resources to schools, guardians, and communities aimed at improving safety and traffic around our schools. Our goal is to keep every child safe and healthy by reducing the number of students involved in collisions to zero.
Our efforts are focused on reducing traffic around schools, improving safety for kids during their school commute, encouraging kids to be more active, and connecting communities with resources to support safe routes to school.
Funding Overview
Safe Routes To School is funded by Measure X. Approximately $665K of the annual revenue derived from the measure is dedicated to funding the Program. The budget for the program is allocated to support both physical infrastructure projects and non-infrastructure education, evaluation and encouragement programming.
Meet the Team

Ariana Green
Principal Transportation Planner

Aaron Hernandez
Transportation Planner

Ariadne Sambrano
Transportation Planner