Goals of the Program

The Evaluation & Planning program includes the development of safe routes to school plans, data collection and reporting. It helps us know how effective the Program is, what the biggest issues are and how to improve.

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Planning is an important step to achieve widespread and long-term improvements in safety. Safe routes to school plans identify existing needs, safety issues, barriers to safe access and opportunities for improvement. Plans also help focus the school and community to help prioritize projects and funding. TAMC staff will provide support in the preparation of planning grant applications as needed to ensure all school districts have safe routes to school plans.

North Monterey County Safe Routes to School Plan

The North Monterey County Safe Routes to School Plan will begin in spring 2024 and cover the communities of Castroville, Las Lomas, Prunedale, Royal Oaks, and Pajaro. The goal of the Safe Routes to Schools planning process is to improve safety for students biking and walking to 11 schools in unincorporated North County and to reduce traffic around those schools. It is vital that community members get involved in the process and share their concerns and ideas so the Plan can reflect community priorities. There will be two Safe Routes to School Steering Committees made up of community representatives including students, parents, schools, advocacy groups, and residents. To learn more and participate in any part of the process, please click on our “Get Involved” link below!
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Salinas Valley Safe Routes to School Plan

The Salinas Valley Safe Routes to School Plan was completed in fall 2024. The goal of the Safe Routes to Schools planning process is to improve safety for students biking and walking to 22 schools in Greenfield, Gonzales, Soledad and King City and reduce traffic around those schools. To read the final plan and recommendations for each school, please click on the links below!

Final Plan – English

Final Plan Appendix – English

Recomendaciones para las escuelas de Gonzales en español

Recomendaciones para las escuelas de Soledad en español

Recomendaciones para las escuelas de Greenfield en español

Recomendaciones para las escuelas de King City en español

If you need assistance accessing or reviewing the materials to please call (831) 775-0903 or email ada@tamcmonterey.org

Salinas Safe Routes to School Plan

The Salinas Safe Routes to School Plan kicked-off in Fall 2019 and will be adopted by December 2022. The Plan is funded through a Caltrans planning grant and local Measure X dollars and will include street improvement and safe routes to school program recommendations for all 44 K-12 public schools in Salinas. We want to hear from community members across Salinas about the traffic and safety issues around their school(s) so that the recommendations in the Plan address those concerns. Help make Salinas streets better by getting involved today!
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Seaside & Marina Safe Route to School Plan

Funded through a Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant, the Seaside & Marina Safe Routes to School Plan was adopted in February 2020 and includes safe routes to school recommendations for 15 public K-12 schools in the cities of Seaside and Marina. The plan was developed through a partnership between TAMC, Monterey County Health Department, City of Seaside Public Works, City of Marina Public Works, and Ecology Action. After the plan was adopted, the City of Marina immediately began implementing the recommendations on Carmel Avenue near Crumpton Elementary School. The City of Seaside, in partnership with TAMC applied for and was awarded a $12.04M grant to continue the W. Broadway Avenue design all the way up to General Jim Moore Blvd. The project includes converting most signalized intersections along Broadway Ave to roundabouts, adding bicycle facilities on both sides of the street and a protected path in front of MLK Jr. School of the Arts. Additional safe routes to school improvements will be made to Yosemite Ave to improve active transportation access to four schools.

Take a look at the adopted Seaside & Marina Safe Routes to School Plan

Data Collection

Data collection is built-in to all of the Safe Routes to School programs to provide feedback on program effectiveness or community need. Data collection materials and methodology will be consistent with State and Federal funding requirements. Student and parent surveys, walking audit forms, bike and pedestrian tally forms can be found on the Resources page.

Annual Report

Transportation Agency staff will collect school-based safe routes to school program surveys and tally forms to analyze and include in the annual Safe Routes to School Program report. Transportation Agency staff will also collect and analyze collision and injury data annually for each jurisdiction from the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) and other relevant sources.

Annual Report 2020 – 2021 – Coming Soon



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Our Team

Our team will work closely with you or your staff to determine the best schedule for your classes.

Ariana Green

Senior Transportation Planner



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Other Programs

Bike Safe

A two-part classroom and streets program that teaches elementary school students basic bike skills

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Walk Safe

Training for elementary and middle school students including safety instruction and walking field trips

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Park & Walk

Encourages parents and guardians to park a block or two away from the school and walk the rest of the way

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