55 B Plaza Circle, Salinas 93901 | 831-775-4404 | amelia@tamcmonterey.org

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Amelia Conlen

Sr. Transportation Planner


Gino Garcia

Sr. Program Specialist

 If you have any feedback or questions, we want to make sure they are heard and answered. 

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Help us plan for safer streets

About the Project

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Join us in planning safe routes to school in North Monterey County.  


The goal of the Safe Routes to Schools planning process is to improve safety for students biking and walking to 11 schools in North Monterey County and reduce traffic around those schools. It is vital that community members get involved in the process and share their concerns and ideas so the Plan can reflect community priorities. For ideas see the "Get Involved" section.

The following schools will be included in the North Monterey County Safe Routes to Schools Plan:

  • Castroville Elementary
  • Echo Valley Elementary  
  • Elkhorn Elementary
  • Hall District Elementary
  • Ohlone Elementary
  • Prunedale Elementary
  • North Monterey County Middle
  • Pajaro Middle
  • North Monterey County High
  • Central Bay High and Home School 

There will be one Steering Committee in Castroville, and a second Steering Committee in other areas of North Monterey County, such as Prunedale, Las Lomas, and Pajaro. The Steering Committees will be made up of community representatives including students, parents, schools, advocacy groups, and residents. This group will meet throughout the North Monterey County Safe Routes to School planning process and take an active leadership role in engaging the community and developing projects.  

The Plan will include a list of recommended street projects and safe routes to school programs to improve safety around each school. This will include things like new sidewalks and improved crosswalks, as well as new programs like safety education, walking school buses and school carpooling.  

 The community will have a chance to test out some new street designs as part of the planning process and say whether they want the changes to be made permanent. Stay tuned for information on installation dates and locations! 

The final plan is expected to be completed and adopted by the County of Monterey in 2026.  

 Safe Routes to School Plan - North Monterey County 

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Want to do more? Join a Safe Routes to School Steering Committee and help decide which projects get funded in your community.  Click here to learn more!

  • Provide guidance to the planning team 

  • Help develop projects to be included in the Plan 

  • Implement a participatory budgeting process to decide a short-list of projects to build immediately following the adoption of the Plan. And YES there is already $$$ for these projects! 

  • Get feedback from the community 

  • Advocate for safe routes to school projects and programs after the Plan has been adopted. 


  Join the Castroville
Steering Committee  

Shelby Cramton

Sr. Planner

Get InvolvedEventsThe ProjectContact

Take the Safe Routes to School Survey to provide information regarding current habits around walking and biking to school. Take the survey!

Join a Walking Audit of a school to help identify safety issues during school drop-off. Contact us for more information!