Vote on your favorite safe routes to school projects!

Help decide how to spend a budget of $250,000 in the King City community to make it safer for kids to get to and from schools.


Attend the Election Kickoff

October 29th, 2023

11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Dia de Los Muertos

Salinas Valley Fair Grounds


Participatory Budgeting

Participatory Budgeting is a democratic process where King City residents and workers ages 12 years and older can vote on projects to make it safer for kids and families to get to and from school. The King City Safe Routes to School Steering committee was formed in May 2023 to design and implement the King City Participatory Budgeting process.

What is the Voting Process?

    1. Creating the Ballot – The King City Safe Routes to School Steering Committee, made up of residents, students and community advocates, worked with Safe Routes to School program partners and the City of King to develop a list of projects for the community to vote on. From the eligible projects, the steering committee combined several projects of need to create two different proposals for the ballot that would each cost up to $250,000. Members of the public will vote on one of the two proposals to receive funding.
    2. Election Kickoff – The Election will kick-off with at the October 29th Dia de Los Muertos event where the public can learn about the projects, ask questions, and cast their vote.
    3. Voting – The public will be able to vote in the participatory budgeting election from October 27th to November 12th at ballot drop-off sites and online by clicking the button to the right.
    4. Election Results – The winning projects will be announced publicly in January 2024. Projects funded through the Participatory Budgeting process will begin implementation as soon as the Salinas Valley Safe Routes to School Plan is adopted.

What are the voting rules?

    • Voting is open to all King City residents or workers aged 12 and older
    • Only one ballot may be cast per person
    • Choose one (1) of two (2) proposals on the ballot
    • Ballots must be submitted by the end-of-day November 12th, to count


Learn about the projects on the ballot in the King City Participatory Budgeting Voter Guide: English / Spanish

Vote for your favorite projects by November 12th!

Vote online here!

Voting is live October 27th. Read the King City Participatory Budgeting Voter Guide linked below to learn more about the projects on the ballot.

King City Participatory Budgeting Voter Guide: English / Spanish


Or pick-up a ballot and voter guide at one of the ballot-drop-off locations below:

    • Chalone Peaks Middle School, 667 Meyer Street, 8:00 am – 2:45 pm, Monday – Friday
    • King City High School, 720 Broadway Street, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
    • Del Rey Elementary School, 502 King Street, 7:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday
    • Santa Lucia Elementary School, 502 Collins Street, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday
    • King City Arts Magnet, 415 Pearl Street, 7:00 am – 3:30 pm, Monday – Friday
    • City Hall, 212 S Vanderhurst Avenue, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday – Friday
    • King City Branch Library, 402 Broadway Street, 11:00 am – 7:00 pm, Monday – Thursday, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, Friday – Saturday
    • Cal Works Employment Services, 200 Broadway St #62, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday
    • St John Catholic Church, 504 N. 3rd Street, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Friday, 7:00 pm Saturday, 7:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm Sunday


Frequently Asked Questions

What is participatory budgeting?

Participatory budgeting is a democratic process where community members decide how to spend part of a public budget. A Steering Committee was formed to design the election process. The participatory budgeting process is part of the Salinas Valley Safe Routes to School Plan.

How do I vote?

You can vote in-person at the Election Kickoff on Sunday, October 29th from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm at the Dia de Los Muertos event at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds or you can pick-up a ballot and cast your vote at one of the ballot drop-off locations [map here]. You can also vote online [link here]. Make sure to cast your vote before November 12th!

Who is eligible to vote?

King City residents and workers 12 years old or older are eligible to vote in the participatory budgeting election.

How can I learn more about the projects?

You can learn more about the projects on the ballot at the Election Kickoff on Sunday, October 29th from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm at the Dia de Los Muertos event at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds. You can also learn more about the projects in the King City Participatory Budgeting Voter Guide: English / Spanish

How do I vote?

There are three ways to vote:

  1. Vote in-person at the Election Kickoff on Sunday, October 29th from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm at the Dia de Los Muertos event at the Salinas Valley Fairgrounds;
  2. Pick-up a ballot and cast your vote at one of the ballot drop-off locations [map here] between October 29th – November 12th; or
  3. Vote online [link here]

Make sure to cast your vote before November 12th!

What happens to the projects after the election?

The top voted proposal will be recommended to the City of King to be constructed. The City of King will receive up to $250,000 from the Transportation Agency for Monterey County to construct the top-voted proposal immediately following the Safe Routes to School Plan adoption.

How can I get involved?

If you’d like to get involved, email to learn more about the King City Safe Routes to School Steering Committee.